My mixed media collage/paintings may include text, sheet music, photos, recycled ephemera, sales tags,
and calligraphy.

Mod Love/SOLD/ is a sales tag collage with Pop model Twiggy as the iconic face of fashion. Mod Love - what we love now, status & statements we make when we purchase item. Sold. commissions accepted

Image of Francois Gilot the Muse of Picasso who had 2 children with him, and later after leaving him, became famous artist herself. on canvas 16x20.available

the Blessed Virgin as a young determined girl of Faith, on background of encyclopedia page of'Passion Flower symbols and lore. 10x10" resin finished

My first 'sales-tag' collage, named for "all we buy, and why we buy"! It was published in a book. $950 plus shipping

The gulf has an image of soldiers in the desert,from an antique lantern slide. It reminded me of the Gulf wars and the gulf between cultures of people.

36x48 Mixed media collage painting hints at history repeating itself. $3600 plus shipping

May all people everywhere be safe, be healthy, be happy -from Sanskrit mantra shares spiritual figures connecting globally with compassion. SOLD

Life size Horses on garage door! For client in the country!
"but that she conformed..." collage featuring photo of King and Queen questions the direction womens lives take with marriage.

The Long and Winding Road